服务条款 TOS

  • 如果该图片违反了存图库(以下称做我们)的服务条款,我们将保留刪除或停用该图片的权利.

  • 我们承诺将在条件允许的情况下最大程度保障您的图片长时间处于可以访问的状态,我们将每7天备份一次全站图片.

  • 我们的图片储存服务不保障您的图片因任何理由所导致的损失.

  • 以下类型的图片均不允许上传至本网站.

    • 任何侵权的图片;
    • 任何含有成人內容及过分裸露情节的图片;
    • 任何含有恐怖、血腥场面的图片;
    • 任何违反中华人民共和国法律法规的图片;
    • 任何侵犯个人私隐、企业版权等的图片;
    • 禁止上传广告类图片(若你使用本站来外链你的广告图片请绕道新浪微博);
    • 禁止一切非法网站(包括但不限于色情网站、钓鱼网站、赌博网站)使用本站图片,一经发现会立即屏蔽掉该网站的所有请求。
    • 禁止上传HTML网页素材

  • 我们会保留禁止任何用户的权利.

  • 所有图片均不被刪除,除非图片长时间处于低流量,或违反我们的服务条款.

  • 我们会保留随时变更或修改服务条款一部份或全部內容的权利,而我们无需特意通知您.

  • If the image violates the Cuntuku Terms of Service, we reserve the right to delete or deactivate the image.

  • We are committed to allow your images to be accessible when conditions permit, and we will back up once a week.

  • Our image storage service does not guarantee the loss of your images for any reason.

  • The following types of images are not allowed to be uploaded to this site.

    • Any infringing pictures;
    • Any images that contain adult content and excessive nudity;
    • Any picture that contains horror, bloody scenes;
    • Any picture that violates the laws and regulations of the People 's Republic of China;
    • Any violation of personal privacy, corporate copyright and other images;
    • Prohibit the upload advertising class pictures;
    • Prohibit all illegal websites (including but not limited to pornographic websites, phishing sites, gambling sites) to use the site image, once found will immediately block out all requests for the site.
    • Blocking HTML page assets is prohibited

  • We will retain the right to prohibit any user.

  • All images will not be deleted unless the image is in low traffic for a long time or violates our Terms of Service.

  • We reserve the right to change or modify any part or all of the Terms of Service at any time without notice to you.

Kenzie revised and updated on October 6, 2016.